Saturday, March 27, 2010

Thanx Unnie!


hehe. second posting untuk hari niey.. tengah aku update blog psal drama.. terbaca shoutbox.. ader short msg dr Unnie Hani.. I got a tag from her.. thanx sgt2 unnie..


niey dier tagnyer..

and... aku kene jawab soklan jugak!.. :::

1. Thank and link the person that gave you the award

~ chongmal goo ma yo unnie... click here untuk pergi ke blog comel unnie..

2. pass this award onto 15 bloggers you've recently discovered and think are fantastic:

1. Along Awie

2. Nabihah

3.Cik Cimi

4. Raihana

5. Sis Khaty

6. Akak Muizah

7. Akak Iza

8. Ju'A Mansor

9. Pnut

10. Nissa-elhumaira

11. Remaja Komputer

12. Alep

13. Akak Shuhada

14. Akak Ili Amira

15. Orange Freak

3. State 7 things about yourself.

1. suka warna hitam, merah, putih

2. k-pop lover

3. cepat bosan(tue sebab lambat update blog..hehe..)

4. tengah ngantuk skang niey..!

5. 'half' nocturnal (???)

6. tak puas hati kalau something yang aku nak tak dapat lagi!

7. ader orang kater PC pakwe aku.. hehe..

**anyway.. 15 org.. ramai yg masih lg dlm proses berkenal-kenalan dgn aku.. jd diharapkan dgn award niey,,kite bleh get to know each other better.. ok?


2 idealistic:

Hani Zain said...

cheonmaneyo dongsaeng~ ^^

unnie glak bsar bla bca
"ada org kta pc tu pakwe aku"
hehe~mmg klkr btul =D

Mimiey said...

mmg pown..
nak buat camner,,
dah pc jer yg dongsaeng suke.. hehehehe..


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